Monday, November 5, 2007

a nod's as good as a wink

well, what a difference a day makes. I went from having unrecognisable stubble, gave it a good night's rest and after the shave in the morning. Now I'm starting to kinda see where it's going. And it looks like everyone else is in the same boat. It's become a secret men's club.

You pass guys in the local supermarket, around the building at work, and you see another guy with shitty stubble, and he notices yours and you give each other a little nod and a polite smile. One guy even said to me "that's comin' along nicely" as he passed me in the bakery section of Coles. Normally I would've seen that as a come-on, but now, it's a cool club that I'm a part of. It's a bit dorky, but yeah, it kinda feels like we're all Stonecutters or something.

Tomorrow is another test of the mo'. I'm going with a couple of mates in the morning to ride along the Yarra Trail. It's 33km up along the Yarra River, but it should be fun, plus I'll see how aerodynamic the new look is.

.... that's if my fitness levels allow me to make it.

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